Marine Engineering Services of Trieste is pleased and proud to announce that today has been successfully carried out the official delivery to the Italian Shipping Company Mediterranea di Navigazione S.p.A. of the Ethylene Carrier “Excalibur”, built in Bach Dang Shipyard of Vinashin Group (Vietnam).
Excalibur, designed by MES and built under MES on site supervision on behalf of the Shipowner, is a modern and highly sophisticated semi-pressurized fully-refrigerated ethylene/LPG carrier with a cargo capacity of 4500 m3. The speed trials of the vessel, carried out on 17th January 2012 in the East China Sea, confirmed that she is able to achieve a speed of almost 16 knots with a power correspondent to 2650 kW (85% MCR + 15% Sea Margin – 300 kW generated by shaft generator). For these good performance, the sister ship “King Arthur”, delivered last 27th January 2011, was named by the Shipowner as “The fastest Ethylene Carrier in the world” in the context of this size.
Thanks to some improvements carried out in respect to the prototype ship decided with the cooperation of the Shipowner, during the speed trials, Excalibur showed a good flexibility on all the speeds range. Another strong point is the speed that the ship is capable to reach in APS mode (almost 11 knots). Also the quality of the furniture within the accommodation area was further improved by MES specific design with the full satisfaction of the Shipowner. For the intact/damage stability and longitudinal strenght calculation, the vessel is equipped with a loading instrument, supplied by MES in compliance with the latest IACS requirements.
This excellent result has been obtained thanks to the continuous support and cooperation MES has received from the Shipowner, Dott. Paolo Cagnoni, and from his Head Office and Local Staff; our major appreciation and congratulations go to them all.
MES would also express gratitude and congratulations to Bach Dang Shipyard, Maersk Broker and to the colleagues of the MES Site Office for their great assistance on this project.